Uncover your 

Are you tired of watching other entrepreneurs talk about their “sold-out” courses, booked-out workshops and endless supply of new leads? 

Do you watch other entrepreneurs show up online confidently and connect with their audience & you’re over here wondering what to even say?  

Are you wondering how to get your services at the top of your audiences’ must-have list?

unique story

& use it to sell out your offers

Here’s the thing, most experts will tell you that you need:

And THEN you will start filling your offers with ease.

But we’re here to tell you an uncomfortable truth:

If you don’t know what makes you unique as a founder and why your audience should care,  no one will know why they should choose you.

Yes, it really is that basic. 

Understanding this concept is the foundation for ALL of your marketing efforts, social media strategies and website copy. If you are unclear on this simple foundation, every aspect of your business will feel hard - especially the marketing and selling your products and services. Unless you’ve invented a never-before-seen business model or product, the ONLY thing unique about your business… Is YOU!

And yet...

...you shy away from showing up as your true self in your business because at the end of the day... you’re not REALLY sure what makes you unique or how to convey that message. It can feel intimidating because showing up as WHO you are truly requires some vulnerability. But it’s that vulnerability that will attract your people, fill your offers & sell your products.

Join The Story to Sold-Out Masterclass

Wed, 29th March (12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET)

Join The Story to Sold-Out Masterclass

Thu, 30th March (12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET)

Why you need a personal brand power statement?

This is not your average business or storytelling masterclass. 
AKA: we most definitely will not give you a bunch of tips and tricks that you can Google

Also, when you’re told to “just be you and tell your story” we know how overwhelming and intimidating that can feel. Where do you start? How do you do that without it feeling inauthentic? What if you don’t know how to tell a story? We get it. That’s why this Masterclass is different. 
We’re going to cover all of the above!

Before we show you how to start using your unique story as a strategy to increase sales and as the main building block for all of your marketing material, you need to understand the basics.

Through workshopping, hot seating (possibly you!) and showcasing examples, we will evaluate the way you’ve been presenting yourself to your audience and provide real time feedback and revisions.

We decided on a live format specifically so that we can help you strip away the layers of BS and get to the core of who you are as a founder and why your ideal customers need YOU.

Also, sometimes what we THINK we’re saying is not what we’re actually saying.

You will walk away with your personal brand power statement

This statement will be the basis for literally everything in your business. 
Your mantra. Your North Star. 
When you feel connected to who you are at the core, your business will feel easier. 
From this statement you will be able to:

a foundational step in figuring out how you want to tell your story AND connect with your audience.


and how to share it in a compelling way that feels relatable to your audience


that has your ideal client lining up to work with you & sets you apart from your competition

Use what you learn

to identify which FUTURE OFFERINGS your target audience is dying for you to launch

We're not here to coddle you or stroke your ego. We're here to challenge you and push you outside your comfort zone.

The greatest waste is an idea that fails to connect with audiences not because it's poorly thought out, but because it's not packaged in a way that moves people.

We don’t want you to ever experience that again.

But be warned: 

this masterclass is not
for the faint of heart. 

Join The Story to Sold-Out Masterclass

Wed, 29th March (12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET)

Join The Story to Sold-Out Masterclass

Thu, 30th March (12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET)

Are you the entrepreneur for this masterclass?

We've created this masterclass for:

The entrepreneur who wants to have CLARITY on how to talk about who she is with confidence

The founder who wants to know how to get in front of HIGHER-PAYING clients than those she currently has on her roster

The entrepreneur who knows how much VALUE she delivers with her services, but doesn't know what to say to attract customers who appreciate that value

The founder who is tired of playing small and wants to SHOW UP MORE but doesn't know where to start

The solopreneur who is showing up A LOT on social & creating value-driven content but wants to be booked out months in advance and/or sell their memberships and courses with ease

who want their ideal clients to consistently COME TO THEM! 

This masterclass is for founders

Reaching out! Raising their hand to work together!

Join The Story to Sold-Out Masterclass

Wed, 29th March (12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET)

Join The Story to Sold-Out Masterclass

Thu, 30th March (12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET)

Who are your teachers for this masterclass?

Former award-winning Today show producer turned storytelling & video expert

Patrice Poltzer

Former Heinz Vice President of Global Strategy turned business strategist for female founders

Danielle Langton

After working with hundreds of women...

This first-time meeting of the minds in an exclusive masterclass

...when it comes to storytelling and business strategy, they decided it was time to unite their superpowers to show you how to start confidently showing up as yourself and sharing who you are.

 where they will provide the exact steps you need to take to attract a steady stream of ideal clients clamoring to work with you - Starting With Your Story -

When Patrice was at a crossroads in 2020 and was facing the imminent shuttering of her production business because of the pandemic, she knew she needed to show up in a big way and build an online community in order to add digital services. 

Because of her storytelling background she instinctively leaned in FIRST with showing up as herself and conveying that story to her potential customers. She didn't have a marketing background. 
She had a storytelling one. 

Because of this storytelling first strategy, she has filled every single digital program, workshop and high-ticket cohort in the last 3 years with ease. And she does this with not a huge audience. But she knows exactly why she is unique and positions every piece of content and messaging from this foundation.

Danielle has witnessed countless business owners struggle to know how to talk about who they are and what they do – hint: this makes it nearly impossible to sell ANYTHING.

She sees founders blame the lack of interest in their offers on their launch approach, social media plan, lack of team, the pricepoint, audience size, an overly saturated industry, etc. but she knows… those are often symptoms of a deeper rooted issue. 

You could change one of those or all of them for your next launch and still have the same results. 😳🧐😢

What do they say about us?

Is this the new way to market your business?

Recently, we’ve witnessed Seth Godin speaking at Ad World Pro about how we’re not listening to ads as we used to because we have so. many. other. choices. 

He talked about how the internet is smart and can find someone else who does what you do - cheaper - in a few minutes. 

Instead, we listen to friends, colleagues, and even strangers on the internet - and that’s why you need a story that resonates with people, one that they relate to because you need people to speak about it on the internet and to their friends. 

To quote him directly; he says that marketing now is...

“building a true story that other people want to change because it changes them for the better; that they get a benefit from talking about you; that they find some sense of identity in engaging with your story; that’s what marketing is”.

We will lead you on this new path of marketing.

Join The Story to Sold-Out Masterclass

Wed, 29th March (12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET)

Join The Story to Sold-Out Masterclass

Thu, 30th March (12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET)