SHE. DID. IT. I popped my Linkedin Live Cherry! And the Blazer and power gold necklace was in full glory. In case you missed our live a while ago, my friend, mentor and polar opposite in camera energy personality Terry Rice and I spent the better part of an hour talking about: Terry kicked off the […]
How much time do you have? Because there were SO MANY MISTAKES I made when I first launched my business at the top of 2017. For those of you who don’t know the back story, here is a video I made that is Cliff Notes In hindsight I now realize that me trying to be […]
I hate to tell you this. But most of what you write no one reads. The same for your videos. No one watches them. Why? It’s all too long. SIGH. I watched this SHORT Ted Talk video and he affirmed (with actual data) what we always knew in the video storytelling world. You are taking […]
For better or for worse, social media has turned us all into investigative non-trustworthy skeptics. WOW. How’s that for a personality trait? What Enneagram is that!??! By the way I have NO IDEA what mine is but that’s for a different email. Nothing good…like really good…is ever easy. If it were…we’d ALL be doing it. […]
“I have been accepted to give a TEDx talk in June!!!!!! The topic I was accepted with — how we can’t move humanity forward without improving the quality of life for women in the workplace. And guess what I wrote about — my STORY!!” Having a clear, inspiring founder story in written and video form […]
Contrary to what social media might tell you…being on camera is not a natural thing for 99.9% of the population. But if you’re running a business, showing up on camera is now an inevitable part of your job description. But this is good news for us small business owners and side hustlers. Because we are […]
She turned her trauma into triumph.Her bullies into bucks.Last year 19-year-old Tania took in more than $1M in sales and says it was only when she started leaning into her backstory did her company explode. I dare you not to get emotional watching this clip of 19-year-old Tania pitch the Sharks. (this is the only […]
So you’re not a natural-born writer. It’s OK. It doesn’t mean you can’t become one. The first rule of thumb is to remember that every great story involves a transformation in the main character. If that person is you, you need to show your audience how you changed. If that person is your customer, the […]
“But Patrice, my back story is SO MUCH. Where do I even start??” I hear this a lot from entrepreneurs. You’ve done a lot. You’ve lived through a lot of jobs, transitions, bad hair trends, bad partners, questionable nightlife decisions (and made it the other side) peaks, valleys, therapy breakthroughs. When it’s time to keep […]
If someone came up to you and asked you why you do what you do….do you know what you’d say? (without you word vomiting and without the person getting that GLAZED look which is Universal Human Sign for STFU!!) So do you? Rachael didn’t. Meet Rachael who just wrapped my Founder’s Fire cohort (check out […]