The next four years are going to be uncharted territory.I’m well aware not everyone who follows me here wants to hear my political thoughts or cares and trust me, from a business standpoint it would be easier to just “put my head down shut my mouth” and carry on as “business as usual.”But the nature […]
Last week of school over here.And turns out when all of your parent chains are in Portuguese, keeping track of the 8,987 different theme days and “special parent” get together things is even HARDER. Welcome to my Whatsapp Dark Side.Tee shirt. Nature. House. (got it.)We good.But also not. I’m in a state of perpetual confusion. Good […]
Few things here.No. 1 I’m a changed person (more on that cliche below.)No. 2 I am changing up the format of my newsletters (because always be trying new stuff!)IN MY WORLDLet’s first chat about point No. 1.I live in a new world now. And it’s called Taylor’s world.Yep.And my only question to myself is, “WHERE […]
It’s my first birthday living in another country and I wanted to cancel it.32 (AGAIN!!!) I hope you can FEEL the sarcasm through the screen. I don’t know about you, but I’m one of “those birthday people” who have always felt my mortality deeply and it didn’t matter if I was 12, 17 or 25 […]
OK you may have forgotten but I promised you a transparent breakdown behind-the-scenes of my most recent launch this past Spring.Because this is real and I think you should know this stuff and launching is not all “6-figure months” and laying on a beach while you get massive amount of cash pings on your phone […]
I’m back in Lisbon recovering from culture shock Orlando, FL style. (SO MANY BEEF JERKY OPTIONS WOW). I am still not over my addict-like behavior at CVS but I’ll spare you all the details (#youarewelcome). I was there for an entrepreneur award I won and stayed a few extra days to hang with my mom in Epcot (she flew […]
First off, your responses to last week’s “Behind-the-Launch” email was WILD. And I said last week there would be a Part 2…And there will be… but not this week. Because…. 3 kids, random Euro holidays (why so many for real), rotating guests staying with us, me leaving for an awards weekend in FL, clients, memberships, […]
Part of me has been dreading sending you this email.(so why are you doing it then Patrice?)Because this is the email I wish I saw more from people who launch digital products & programs.This is Part 1.When I said I’d give you a peek under my hood that means showing you actual figures and numbers. […]
Yesterday I had a big launch debrief with my team (and I will break that down in full for you next week as we’re still getting numbers)Spoiler Alert: the part I didn’t think would do that great was a runaway success. The part of the launch I thought would sell like hotcakes… just didn’t. Wait, what?Remember all […]
Before I get into the Storytelling insight that you all need to know from one of my smartest corporate friends, I am taking a deep breath from the most unhinged but “would do it again tomorrow” week of my life.We have two weddings this year. (back-to- back on different continents 😂)And when your wedding invite years […]