I currently live in Brooklyn with my three little boys and husband. What can I say, I’m the unofficial -but official - Queen in my house. I love weird combinations of food (more on that later), going out (MOMS CAN DANCE TOO), and seeing the "A-HA" look on a founder's face when they unleash the story that has been buried in them and their business for way too long.
I learned this week there are 4.6 BILLION pieces of content swirling around on the internet every single day. And that the MAJORITY gets ZERO engagement.
On one hand, pat yourself on the back because at least your posts are getting SOME likes?! (or are you in that Majority camp?)
Oh and if you’re a “content on my website is my main revenue driver” person the facts are even more sobering.
No shame in that if so, but let’s unpack this a bit.
Do you follow Neil Patel? He’s one of my “man he’s so smart” follows and I learn so much from him.
Anyway, over the weekend I was nerding out on a YouTube keynote he did last month (guys I live my weekends in extremes as this congo line was also from a 3-day birthday weekend for my friend but I’m not ready to unpack this all for you yet 😂💃)
The state of our “content marketing” world is pretty dire right now.
He also said straight out of the gate
↳“What worked for me will not work for you..”
….because the marketing landscape has changed.
He was “first out of the gate” and he – and other early content adopters- were rewarded with algorithm momentum on their side and I love that he acknowledges that.
He also mentions AI & how we’re seeing a flood of even more content—all of it cranked out faster than ever and lacking human touch.
For the love of God we ALL KNOW when a piece of content has been pasta rolled through the ChatGPT machine. It’s a turnoff.😡🚀🚀🚀🚀
(why does ChatGPT love rocket emojis so much???…)
But this is good for us…because it means that not only is it more URGENT for your human voice and thoughts to remain front and center, it means in theory it will be easier to “stand out.”
Ok so now that I’ve told you that basically no one gets engagement and the content world is SO SATURATED, what does this mean for you?
*like Patrice I need some congo line energy here and not dooms day I know I know…
For my podcasters… you’re in a good lane!
OK but podcasting aside, should you even bother creating content anymore?
The answer is a resounding YES, but (drum roll) your content needs to CONNECT in a more PERSONALIZED way to your TARGET AUDIENCE.
***Patrice, why are you shouting at me with random words in CAPS?
Because you know what type of content hits ALL of those points Neil tells us to hit?
Storytelling. (am I so predictable!?!)
Here is the “new” way to make content: (rocket emojis placed by ME and not OpenAI!)
🚀Helping your ideal customer through educational content related to your product or service BUT make it personal.
🚀 Selling by adding value but weave in a personal experience or moment to make it memorable.
🚀Connect with people and build relationships through being your real self.
🚀Creating content for your target audience instead of leveraging the latest viral meme because micro influence is the new flex
🚀Likes & follows out…. DM conversations and offline connections (from your social posts) IN.
Do you notice a theme
All I hear is….
OK will stop shouting at you but this makes me really excited for all of us.
People crave real, authentic connections.
If you need a quick reminder on the power of storytelling, here are some real results from clients & students (both present and past) all brought to you by their commitment to storytelling in their marketing.
☑️Securing more than $100,000 in grant money, landing on NPR’s “How I Built This”, Forbes spread and speaking to The National Lung Association for a possible partnership.
Nerdbug’s founder Dr. Ronak Mehta says her only regret is NOT leaning into storytelling much sooner as she’s able to now play on HUGE stages and not be Direct To Consumer.
☑️An additional FEW MILLION in fundraising this past year for Elizabeth’s edtech software -making lives better for neurodivergent kids & their teachers all across the country. She told me that in pitch meetings, she NOW goes early and hard on the storytelling aspect of herself and the mission.
☑️Leaning into the mission story of her accessory brand and Clare’s experience living in Asia means that you CAN get into the Four Seasons when you don’t speak like all the other accessory makers.
So that is all my friends!
A renewed focus for your content.
Your stories aren’t fluff—they will be the edge that wins you competitive grants, pitches, business and influence.
OK I hope everyone is having a great week (My husband has been in NYC and I’m trying to low key not hate him because I’m so jealous BUT WE ARE GETTING THROUGH THIS!!)