I currently live in Brooklyn with my three little boys and husband. What can I say, I’m the unofficial -but official - Queen in my house. I love weird combinations of food (more on that later), going out (MOMS CAN DANCE TOO), and seeing the "A-HA" look on a founder's face when they unleash the story that has been buried in them and their business for way too long.
Yesterday I had a big launch debrief with my team (and I will break that down in full for you next week as we’re still getting numbers)
Spoiler Alert: the part I didn’t think would do that great was a runaway success. The part of the launch I thought would sell like hotcakes… just didn’t.
Wait, what?
Remember all those emails you received (maybe you blacked it out) about personal brand, workshops, embrace your stories, empower your brand, storytelling, etc…
Well that was part of my marketing campaign to sell a storytelling product of mine. It was a new one for me and it was incredibly insightful, hard, enlightening, fun, not fun, humbling.
Launching ANYTHING is always so humbling. You can control what you can control and there are just elements that you CAN’T OR it’s only in the AFTER that you can then see the gaps, the misses, the “oh…..that’s WHY this happened.”
But today’s email is not about me giving you a peek under the hood (that is next week) but to talk to you about your email marketing.
I have about 5-7 people I TAG as a “read for later” in my email.
Their newsletters are so valuable, I do not want to miss it or blow by it in my stress-inducing inbox because it got buried.
This is actually me “getting the inbox under control” (anyone else relate?)
One of those people is a woman named Katelyn Bourgoin.
She changed my business (for real).
Before I started subscribing to her “unignorable” newsletter, I didn’t take my email marketing seriously.
Never consistent. “I WAS ON INSTAGRAM THANKS”
Adamant that “people don’t REALLY read email”
I treated you guys like a fair-weather friend and wrote to you when I WANTED to write and didn’t view our relationship as a two-way street & you were almost like my therapy if I’m being TOTALLY honest (FORGIVE ME I HAVE CHANGED.)
But Katelyn changed that mentality for me about two years ago.
I took one of her newsletter courses and that REALLY changed the game for me on how I viewed my email list (HI, it’s you guys!!)
Katelyn is my No. 1 go-to expert for buyer psychology and learning about what works and doesn’t work for engaging with your email list.
I average almost 70% open rates (which is INSANE high vs average is like 30%) and that wasn’t the case prior to when I took her class.
She’s made me get curious about the psychology of storytelling in a way that I wasn’t before I met her and she has put money into my pockets (see below).
She made me realize that I do not have a business….if I don’t have a “hot” email list. (and I do thanks to her now)
Screenshot from a past product launch.
You will see that 70% of sales came from….EMAIL
Not my Instagram (love you but hate you IG)
Not my Linkedin (still getting properly around the bases so needs more time)
This boring, old AF platform.
And guess what…. Katelyn and her genius partner Neal are rolling out their newsletter cohort that will teach you EVERYTHING.
If you have any desire to sell a product, a coaching program, a mastermind, a retreat, a service….
Mastering the art of connecting.. ON EMAIL (because you OWN your emails…you own NADA on social media.) is how you start making money from your audience.
And while storytelling is crucial, Katelyn has taught me so many other psychological methods that I had no idea about (because we can’t be experts in everything!!!)
BUT…we can learn from other experts.
And because I am such a super-fan of hers, she offered me a special offer to pass on to… YOU!!
It’s the lowest price for this amazing course that anyone will get ($400 off the price).
Email marketing is a part of my business I am leaning HARDCORE into this year and I don’t gatekeep.
Hopefully you get as much out of this as I did!