It’s my first birthday living in another country and I wanted to cancel it.32 (AGAIN!!!) I hope you can FEEL the sarcasm through the screen. I don’t know about you, but I’m one of “those birthday people” who have always felt my mortality deeply and it didn’t matter if I was 12, 17 or 25 […]
OK you may have forgotten but I promised you a transparent breakdown behind-the-scenes of my most recent launch this past Spring.Because this is real and I think you should know this stuff and launching is not all “6-figure months” and laying on a beach while you get massive amount of cash pings on your phone […]
I’m back in Lisbon recovering from culture shock Orlando, FL style. (SO MANY BEEF JERKY OPTIONS WOW). I am still not over my addict-like behavior at CVS but I’ll spare you all the details (#youarewelcome). I was there for an entrepreneur award I won and stayed a few extra days to hang with my mom in Epcot (she flew […]
First off, your responses to last week’s “Behind-the-Launch” email was WILD. And I said last week there would be a Part 2…And there will be… but not this week. Because…. 3 kids, random Euro holidays (why so many for real), rotating guests staying with us, me leaving for an awards weekend in FL, clients, memberships, […]
Part of me has been dreading sending you this email.(so why are you doing it then Patrice?)Because this is the email I wish I saw more from people who launch digital products & programs.This is Part 1.When I said I’d give you a peek under my hood that means showing you actual figures and numbers. […]
Yesterday I had a big launch debrief with my team (and I will break that down in full for you next week as we’re still getting numbers)Spoiler Alert: the part I didn’t think would do that great was a runaway success. The part of the launch I thought would sell like hotcakes… just didn’t. Wait, what?Remember all […]
Before I get into the Storytelling insight that you all need to know from one of my smartest corporate friends, I am taking a deep breath from the most unhinged but “would do it again tomorrow” week of my life.We have two weddings this year. (back-to- back on different continents 😂)And when your wedding invite years […]
Happy Thanksgiving week! I ate freshly caught fish and drank white wine this past Sunday along the waterfront and my BRAIN IS CONFUSED. This is not some veiled humble brag but a genuine WTF is going on here. My first Thanksgiving in another country that is still flirting in the 70s and has chorizo as […]
How was your Thanksgiving? (if you celebrate that is) Turns out Lisbon gives No f*cks! (I mean DUH). But I have to say my nostalgia for all things red, white, blue and large balloon inflatables were at an all time high last Thursday. It was a really random dayBut it was also a beautiful day […]
Today is my last day as an official “New Yorker” as we fly out to Lisbon on a one-way ticket tonight with my husband and 3 kids. Thirteen of the hardest, craziest, most fun, exhilarating chapters of my life. That chapter is closed. So in lieu of an AI or Storytelling insight….may I present to […]