The difference between your Founder Story and your Brand Story. They are not the same story even though there may be overlap. What differs is the primary objective of each story. The Founder story is overridingly meant to sell yourself. NOT your business.The Brand Story is overridingly meant to sell your business. NOT yourself. The […]

Your Founder Story v. Brand Story

In March 2022 I had the “best month” of my entire business career. I brought in just shy of $100,000. In a month. I broke some limiting beliefs I had around my own ability to earn and to earn big and when it happened I initially felt like I needed to “shout it out”. Not […]

MY 6-Figure Month and Why it’s Misleading

Of course you do!! It’s funny, only 24 months ago if you would have asked me if “getting paid to speak” was on my radar I would have looked at you like you had 4 heads. For whatever reason, I had this notion that to get PAID to SPEAK you really needed like a gillion […]

Do You Want to Get Paid to Speak?

Anyone else a fair-weather Instagram reel creator like me? I don’t know what it is about them… BUT I HATE THEM. I MEAN I LOVE THEM. As someone who has an entire business around storytelling and video, you’d think I’d be pumping these bad girls  out most weeks, but I don’t. It always gets pushed […]

How I Created My “viral” Instagram Reel

In the spirit of content repurposing, I stumbled upon this blog post from three years ago in the google archives when “I was determined to write a blog” and I never did because consistency!  Add that to my long list of “died a hot fiery entrepreneurial death” idea grave. Also, this was waya hella too […]

Hire Journalists For Your Storytelling

SHE. DID. IT. I popped my Linkedin Live Cherry! And the Blazer and power gold necklace was in full glory. In case you missed our live a while ago, my friend, mentor and polar opposite in camera energy personality Terry Rice and I spent the better part of an hour talking about: Terry kicked off the […]

Linkedin Doesn’t Have to be Scary

Your founder story is one of your most valuable assets when telling your company’s origin story.

The Power of a Video Founder Story

My family and I were bopping around our NY hood and leaning into tourist life because friends were visiting.**by the way I have never met a double decker tour bus I didn’t love but I digress I wanted a family pic where us (OK ME) and approximately 4,678 other families also had the same idea  […]

We Were Actually Arguing Here…

How much time do you have? Because there were SO MANY MISTAKES I made when I first launched my business at the top of 2017. For those of you who don’t know the back story, here is a video I made that is Cliff Notes In hindsight I now realize that me trying to be […]

My Biggest Mistake When I First Started My Business

Do you relate to any of my categories below? A) left corporate America because it wasn’t sustainable with the family life you desired (AKA you actually WANTED to see your kids every once in a while.) B) trying to leave your current job and make that side hustle or dream career a full-time gig C) somewhere […]

Corporate America Does Not Have Our Back