I looked up my last email of December 2023 -roughly 120 days into living in a brand new country – to get a pulse check of where I was a year ago.​Some of my own writing from last year stopped me dead in my scroll. Reading those words now, sitting in my Lisbon apartment (the same […]

What a plot twist 2024 turned out to be…

My idea of happiness has just been flipped on its head.​Generally speaking, I equate sunny places being analogous to happier moods, friendlier people, and overall elevated mood levels.​Then one chaotic, last-minute family trip to Finland this weekend completely shattered everything I thought I knew. This sky is REAL. I repeat this sky is REAL. How […]

Lessons From The World’s Happiest People

I learned this week there are 4.6 BILLION pieces of content swirling around on the internet every single day. And that the MAJORITY gets ZERO engagement.​​ ​On one hand, pat yourself on the back because at least your posts are getting SOME likes?! (or are you in that Majority camp?)​​Oh and if you’re a “content on […]

94.29% of Content Gets Zero Traffic—Here’s How Yours Can Beat the Odds

The next four years are going to be uncharted territory.​I’m well aware not everyone who follows me here wants to hear my political thoughts or cares and trust me, from a business standpoint it would be easier to just “put my head down shut my mouth” and carry on as “business as usual.”​But the nature […]

Your Silence Is Exactly What They Want

Last week I mentioned that a LinkedIn post of mine went viral to the tune of almost 4 million impressions…and it broke all the rules. ***interestingly enough it did not have the same impact for Instagram and I will break that down another time.​​​​What I didn’t expect was the overwhelming outpouring of personal stories from you. […]

From NPR to Shark Tank: Storytelling is a Business Superpower

I write you this newsletter from the CUTEST LISBON CAFE I STUMBLED UPON I ALMOST CANNOT. Please know I am usually writing you this newsletter in my room which is sort of a makeshift storage unit with my toddler’s stuffed animals strewn all over the bed and desk because he brings in 34 of them […]

Going viral on LinkedIn

Est reading time: 7-9 minutes (promise this is worth your phone time)​​​In My World:​​School finally started this week (thank you Jesus) and I forgot Monday was Labor Day.​AM I EVEN AMERICAN ANYMORE.😭​My incessant slacking to my American founder client only realized when the day was almost over. Our second school year in Lisbon. Back to perpetual confusion on the […]

Learn from a psychotherapist’s major midlife transition

For the past two weeks we’ve had friends stay and visit us in Lisbon from NY. My former work wife from the TODAY show came to see me. (also a coach in my premium Founder’s Fire storytelling program where we put your WHY story to video kicks off this fall…get on the waitlist!) My first NY […]

A Quick AI Storytelling Hack For You

You might have noticed I’ve started talking more boldly about AI as it relates to your storytelling & content strategy (or maybe you have not and that’s OK too because for the love of God we get too much content thrown our way)​It’s me. I’m part of the problem.​Moving on. ​​​​Your stories are your superpower. Full stop. ​​Research […]

How to vanish for 3 months (and still make money)

A survey by Ace Metrix found that ads featuring founders or CEOs perform 20% better across all effectiveness measures than other ads. The “founder effect” as it’s officially called is a real phenomenon.​➡️Startups that effectively communicate their founder’s story are 23% more likely to achieve funding goals.​​➡️Companies with strong founder narratives experience 30% higher customer retention rates.​​➡️Brands that incorporate […]

Your Stories Aren’t The Problem…It’s How You’re Telling Them