I currently live in Brooklyn with my three little boys and husband. What can I say, I’m the unofficial -but official - Queen in my house. I love weird combinations of food (more on that later), going out (MOMS CAN DANCE TOO), and seeing the "A-HA" look on a founder's face when they unleash the story that has been buried in them and their business for way too long.
First off, your responses to last week’s “Behind-the-Launch” email was WILD.
And I said last week there would be a Part 2…
And there will be… but not this week.
Because…. 3 kids, random Euro holidays (why so many for real), rotating guests staying with us, me leaving for an awards weekend in FL, clients, memberships, general entrepreneur angst, recording content…
LIFE as a solopreneur who writes all of her marketing content here, Instagram and Linkedin.
I sat down to write No. 2 and time evaporated.
For some background, the first launch email I did…
took me four hours to write.
And I have MUCH to share on the “other” part of my launch that underperformed.
We all know you want the UGLY side don’t you 🙂
I found myself “hastily” putting it together in order to “get it out as I said I would do it this week” and I realized that this arbitrary deadline was set by me.
Which means I have the power to “un” set it.
But I DO commit to showing up in your inbox weekly with value.
So this is what you’re getting today.
A short 1 minute video talking about why your marketing is NOT landing.
HINT: it’s true…more of you IS REQUIRED now as an entrepreneur. The game has changed.
You can play it.
Or you can watch on the sidelines.
And if you need some motivation or help in HOW to play this new marketing game?
I invite you to listen to a podcast I was on earlier this week talking about all things storytelling, marketing and how you can make it easier to incorporate into your business.
The podcast, “You’re Not Too F***ing Old” (for real how genius is that title) is a great listen if you need my voice off the page and in your ear to give you that kick in the butt you need.
OK… I will see you next week with Part 2 of the launch as promised.
I am off to FL to get this bad girl.
And to go make snow angels in Target and stock up on the honey mustard and ranch that DOES NOT EXIST IN LISBON #butwhy.
Have a great rest of your week!