I currently live in Brooklyn with my three little boys and husband. What can I say, I’m the unofficial -but official - Queen in my house. I love weird combinations of food (more on that later), going out (MOMS CAN DANCE TOO), and seeing the "A-HA" look on a founder's face when they unleash the story that has been buried in them and their business for way too long.
Few things here.
No. 1 I’m a changed person (more on that cliche below.)
No. 2 I am changing up the format of my newsletters (because always be trying new stuff!)
Let’s first chat about point No. 1.
I live in a new world now. And it’s called Taylor’s world.
And my only question to myself is, “WHERE the F$%*&# have you been Patrice. What rock did you cling to and why?”
At the risk of sounding like a walking cliche I am going to sound like a giant walking cliche.
Taylor Swift is a genius goddess storyteller and I never understood her nor wanted to listen to her music, but then a friend gave me tickets this past weekend and now I am at her alter and can’t stop analyzing her music and her concert was the best concert I’ve ever been to in my entire life and I GET ALL OF IT.
Forgive me Swifties. Will you have me? Us? (because my husband was also like “OMG.”)
I’ll stop now.
But before I dive into the “new format” I want to experiment with (and get your feedback on it), the best storytellers understand at a fundamental level that each story they tell (even if it’s about their own experience) must be directly felt and experienced through the lens of their audience.
Taylor allowed me to be part of a collective energy that night that I have never experienced on that scale at a concert.
She explained how she was feeling when she wrote a particular song.
Even though I didn’t know that song (sorry sorry sorry) all of a sudden I KNEW her song.
Through her own stories she allowed me to tap into my own feelings and life moments and I felt connected to her on another level.
THIS is what we should all be striving to do in our own marketing through storytelling.
It’s why it’s so powerful. You can take a non-fan and IMMEDIATELY bring them over to your side of business through connective storytelling.
Each week I am going to analyze SOMETHING from a storytelling lens and tell you what’s working and what isn’t.
Do you want me to analyze a post of yours? A sales page? An email? A video? Perfect. Submit it here for a chance to be featured and if you’d rather your name be retracted, no problem.
To give you an example of what I mean.. a current entrepreneur student of mine, Josh. I did a light audit of his Instagram account last month through my storytelling lens.
I noted Josh’s content consistently aligns with his mission of helping people overcome emotional eating and promoting healthy eating behaviors.
And he really understands the DEEP pain & desires of his customers. (a MUST if you want to tell better stories in your marketing.)
But his posts (lots of carousels at this point) and his entire feed really lacked HIM.
It FEELS lacking in “Josh” and doesn’t fully showcase his personality or provide a deeper connection with his audience.
I then would go into some quick notes for improving it or provide to you the reasons WHY a certain type of storytelling will make it more compelling.
So, send me a link or a piece of marketing that you’d like to have me potentially feature. (just between us, you can also submit a different creator’s content – maybe someone you aspire to show up as in your business.
Here I will do one of a few things. I may talk about a client or a student’s “a-ha” or “win” moment that I think you will take value from.
Like Liz.
A former private client of mine who left her executive communications job to full-time run her UNREAL business called, On Leave.
It’s the only life-coaching meets travel experiences business that I know of.
If you’re over facials and massages as the only form of self-care, look to Liz who curates self-care experiences based on your personality and what kind of transition you are experiencing in life -all in your own backyard if you wanted it to be.
She’s a beautiful writer so we came up with a plan on how to lean in hard with her storytelling in her email marketing and it’s working.
You must go where you feel most lit up in your marketing.
I may geek out in this section and tell you something science-y or recall a real life moment I’d experienced in the corporate field that would help you in your own journeys.
Like my favorite phenomenon
known as the Pratfall effect…
…it means the more you showcase your flaws, vulnerabilities and REAL SELF…
…the more likable, relatable and trustworthy you are in the eyes of your audience.
That is great news for you!
There are certain people and programs and podcasts that have literally changed my life.
And we don’t gatekeep over here.
Recently I told many of you about a newsletter course I took last year that fundamentally changed my way of thinking.
Today I am going to share that MY UNREAL funnel and product strategist of 2 years is hosting a masterclass in the next few weeks.
RUN to this.
First, it’s under $30 and Cathy knows so much about this world if you want to launch an online product but you have no idea where to even start.
Second, Cathy is literally responsible for me shifting over my entire business in an online way. She is a mad genius when it comes to pricing, email funnel strategy and understanding what type of products you should even be doing? (membership? Courses? Mastermind?)
Each week I will provide you more insights to what I’m doing, reading, listening to as I continue to evolve my business and myself as a founder.
Expect quotes here or behind-the-scenes stats and figures from my business to shed real light on what it’s like running a mostly online operation now.
We’ll kick off this week with the real Storytelling Queen.
“I’m sorry. But the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, ’cause she’s dead.” -Taylor Swift
Cheers to shedding old identities, newsletter formats, and forming new badass stories in your life
Please let me know what you think of this new format? I decided to change it up a bit because I realized I was getting a little too “Dear Diary” with you.
“Your audience is not your therapist” is a favorite mantra of mine but I had a moment where I asked myself, “Wait…am I using you as…mine?”
My biggest goal is for you to consistently show up, storytell better, make more money, have more impact and not have to learn a bunch of social media trends in order to make that all happen.