I hate to tell you this. But most of what you write no one reads. The same for your videos. No one watches them. Why? It’s all too long.  SIGH.  I watched this SHORT Ted Talk video and he affirmed (with actual data) what we always knew in the video storytelling world. You are taking […]

Stop Being Selfish

For better or for worse, social media has turned us all into investigative non-trustworthy skeptics. WOW. How’s that for a personality trait? What Enneagram is that!??! By the way I have NO IDEA what mine is but that’s for a different email. Nothing good…like really good…is ever easy. If it were…we’d ALL be doing it. […]

Your Customers Need to Hear About Your Setbacks

Contrary to what social media might tell you…being on camera is not a natural thing for 99.9% of the population. But if you’re running a business, showing up on camera is now an inevitable part of your job description.  But this is good news for us small business owners and side hustlers.  Because we are […]

If You’re Camera Shy…Do This

She turned her trauma into triumph.Her bullies into bucks.Last year 19-year-old Tania took in more than $1M in sales and says it was only when she started leaning into her backstory did her company explode.  I dare you not to get emotional watching this clip of 19-year-old Tania pitch the Sharks. (this is the only […]

Make Your Haters Your Motivators

“But Patrice, my back story is SO MUCH. Where do I even start??” I hear this a lot from entrepreneurs. You’ve done a lot. You’ve lived through a lot of jobs, transitions, bad hair trends, bad partners, questionable nightlife decisions (and made it the other side) peaks, valleys, therapy breakthroughs.  When it’s time to keep […]

From Arranged Marriage -> Immigrant Career Coach

So last week I made a reel and it took me a cool 754 hours to make. The content creator in me is cringing because  View this post on Instagram A post shared by Patrice| Storytelling, Personal Brand, Video Coach (@patricepoltzer) But in making that video about how I got to the bottleneck of NY […]

When My NY TV Dreams Tanked I Relied on “Belief”

UNPOPULAR OPINION COMING ATCHA. I have a visceral reaction whenever I hear entrepreneurs preaching the virtues of “NICHE” and “STAYING IN ONE LANE.” Why? Well other than the fact it literally makes me so anxious and like I’m somehow already clucking up before I’ve even started…. I also don’t think that is always possible when […]

At First Don’t Niche Down

I am about 90 percent sure we will be moving from Brooklyn to Lisbon next summer. It’s a move that has been percolating in our brain for the past year and certain events in our lives, increased comments from my kids about hating gun drills at school & a hard ask to ourselves about the […]

Should I Uproot My Family to Europe?

Patrice with laptop sitting on floor looking out of the window

My biological dad left my family when I was 5 years old.Bear with me here….I promise I’m not sending you down my personal Lifetime Movie path. It’s something I don’t think about often and if I’m being honest, probably have not fully come to a complete peace with. But you could say rejection is something […]

Why Tough Childhood Moments are Worth Sharing

Pitching yourself & your business to the media, your favorite podcast, that accelerator, your favorite brand is part art and part science. I am dropping two IG Lives below with two of my favorite media friends who tell you EXACTLY what they like and don’t like in those pitches they get.  But first, I want […]

Be like Kylie Jenner