I know you are all HUMMING it. I’m sorry for that.  I made a shit ton of mistakes when I started my business at the top of 2017. Yes, going through the mistakes is part of the entrepreneurial process. But not pivoting soon enough in another direction is the reason most people like us don’t […]

If I Could Turn Back Time

The difference between your Founder Story and your Brand Story. They are not the same story even though there may be overlap. What differs is the primary objective of each story. The Founder story is overridingly meant to sell yourself. NOT your business.The Brand Story is overridingly meant to sell your business. NOT yourself. The […]

Your Founder Story v. Brand Story

In March 2022 I had the “best month” of my entire business career. I brought in just shy of $100,000. In a month. I broke some limiting beliefs I had around my own ability to earn and to earn big and when it happened I initially felt like I needed to “shout it out”. Not […]

MY 6-Figure Month and Why it’s Misleading

Of course you do!! It’s funny, only 24 months ago if you would have asked me if “getting paid to speak” was on my radar I would have looked at you like you had 4 heads. For whatever reason, I had this notion that to get PAID to SPEAK you really needed like a gillion […]

Do You Want to Get Paid to Speak?

Anyone else a fair-weather Instagram reel creator like me? I don’t know what it is about them… BUT I HATE THEM. I MEAN I LOVE THEM. As someone who has an entire business around storytelling and video, you’d think I’d be pumping these bad girls  out most weeks, but I don’t. It always gets pushed […]

How I Created My “viral” Instagram Reel

In the spirit of content repurposing, I stumbled upon this blog post from three years ago in the google archives when “I was determined to write a blog” and I never did because consistency!  Add that to my long list of “died a hot fiery entrepreneurial death” idea grave. Also, this was waya hella too […]

Hire Journalists For Your Storytelling

I hate to tell you this. But most of what you write no one reads. The same for your videos. No one watches them. Why? It’s all too long.  SIGH.  I watched this SHORT Ted Talk video and he affirmed (with actual data) what we always knew in the video storytelling world. You are taking […]

Stop Being Selfish

For better or for worse, social media has turned us all into investigative non-trustworthy skeptics. WOW. How’s that for a personality trait? What Enneagram is that!??! By the way I have NO IDEA what mine is but that’s for a different email. Nothing good…like really good…is ever easy. If it were…we’d ALL be doing it. […]

Your Customers Need to Hear About Your Setbacks

Contrary to what social media might tell you…being on camera is not a natural thing for 99.9% of the population. But if you’re running a business, showing up on camera is now an inevitable part of your job description.  But this is good news for us small business owners and side hustlers.  Because we are […]

If You’re Camera Shy…Do This

She turned her trauma into triumph.Her bullies into bucks.Last year 19-year-old Tania took in more than $1M in sales and says it was only when she started leaning into her backstory did her company explode.  I dare you not to get emotional watching this clip of 19-year-old Tania pitch the Sharks. (this is the only […]

Make Your Haters Your Motivators