I stumbled upon a Note I made in 2011 about all the stories I wanted to tell for NBC or just do on my own. At that time I was at NBC in NY but not doing what I wanted to be doing so I was always THINKING and PLANNING how I’d get the attention […]

I Found a “Dream List” from 2011

I used to hate when people would say $hit like: X AMOUNT OF DAYS LEFT IN THE YEAR. WHATCHA GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?  Cue me doing this: Literally, felt offended. But deep down I knew those countdowns triggered me because I hadn’t accomplished as much as I had wanted to do when I was […]

XX days left in 20XX is not Triggering for Me Anymore

Hooks are the beginning of every amazing story. And the hype is true.  Write a hook that connects and it’s the reason your audience will continue watching your video (or reading your pitch, email, newsletter.) Write one that doesn’t hit home and that video or newsletter you spent HOURS, OK…DAYS making will be for you […]

5 Hooks to Keep Your Audience Wanting More

Let’s talk Storytelling. The word is so overused, right? If Video was the most overused marketing word of the last few years, I feel like STORYTELLING  is a first cousin.  Don’t get me wrong, storytelling really IS EVERYTHING, but when marketers use the word so freely without actually defining what it means in context, it […]

A Tip I Use to Write Better Stories

Dropping my go-to secrets for making consistent content that RESONATES with my audience. It’s a funny story why I am doing this so make sure you read TO.THE.END. 👀Do you find yourself making a $hit load of content but it doesn’t seem “to land?” 😭Are you posting a lot to your feed, showing up on […]

Content Strategy Tips

I want to give you a tip about how to make your videos connect better to your target audience. Make. It. About. Them. Videos that include the word “you” in the first 30 seconds see 68% more engagement than videos that don’t. Say “you” twice in the first 5 seconds & that number jumps to […]

Make it about your audience