Dropping my go-to secrets for making consistent content that RESONATES with my audience. It’s a funny story why I am doing this so make sure you read TO.THE.END. 👀Do you find yourself making a $hit load of content but it doesn’t seem “to land?” 😭Are you posting a lot to your feed, showing up on […]

Content Strategy Tips

I outsourced my 4-year-old to “front yard camp” for the next few weeks while I was living in Chicago 💃🔥✨… so it was a great Monday indeed. I nearly cried tears of joy while also wanting to make out with the camp counselor upon drop off.  But I digress on why I’m writing… “Patrice, what […]

The One Video You Need for Your Business

Anyone else have trouble celebrating the good things in your business? Do you feel like the ball could drop at ANY MOMENT so it’s easier to remain calm, collected, NON-EMOTIONAL and to just keep focus on the NEXT goal.  I’ve been in business for a bit over four years and I swear to God it […]

How I Landed My 1st Big Piece of Press