In March 2022 I had the “best month” of my entire business career. I brought in just shy of $100,000. In a month. I broke some limiting beliefs I had around my own ability to earn and to earn big and when it happened I initially felt like I needed to “shout it out”. Not […]

MY 6-Figure Month and Why it’s Misleading

How much time do you have? Because there were SO MANY MISTAKES I made when I first launched my business at the top of 2017. For those of you who don’t know the back story, here is a video I made that is Cliff Notes In hindsight I now realize that me trying to be […]

My Biggest Mistake When I First Started My Business

I hate to tell you this. But most of what you write no one reads. The same for your videos. No one watches them. Why? It’s all too long.  SIGH.  I watched this SHORT Ted Talk video and he affirmed (with actual data) what we always knew in the video storytelling world. You are taking […]

Stop Being Selfish

“I have been accepted to give a TEDx talk in June!!!!!! The topic I was accepted with — how we can’t move humanity forward without improving the quality of life for women in the workplace. And guess what I wrote about — my STORY!!” Having a clear, inspiring founder story in written and video form […]

I Booked a Tedx Talk With My Story

Contrary to what social media might tell you…being on camera is not a natural thing for 99.9% of the population. But if you’re running a business, showing up on camera is now an inevitable part of your job description.  But this is good news for us small business owners and side hustlers.  Because we are […]

If You’re Camera Shy…Do This

If someone came up to you and asked you why you do what you do….do you know what you’d say? (without you word vomiting and without the person getting that GLAZED look which is Universal Human Sign for STFU!!) So do you? Rachael didn’t. Meet  Rachael who just wrapped my Founder’s Fire cohort (check out […]

I’m at it Again

Writing about yourself is hard. Showing up on camera and talking about yourself -that isn’t one giant snore fest- is even harder. In order to stand out from the approximately 897,675 other people doing the exact same thing as you, you will want to get comfortable with sharing key parts of your back story that […]

How to Make a Killer About Me Video

My biological dad left my family when I was 5 years old.Bear with me here….I promise I’m not sending you down my personal Lifetime Movie path. It’s something I don’t think about often and if I’m being honest, probably have not fully come to a complete peace with. But you could say rejection is something […]

Why Tough Childhood Moments are Worth Sharing

Patrice with laptop sitting on floor looking out of the window

Pitching yourself & your business to the media, your favorite podcast, that accelerator, your favorite brand is part art and part science. I am dropping two IG Lives below with two of my favorite media friends who tell you EXACTLY what they like and don’t like in those pitches they get.  But first, I want […]

Be like Kylie Jenner

Dropping my go-to secrets for making consistent content that RESONATES with my audience. It’s a funny story why I am doing this so make sure you read TO.THE.END. 👀Do you find yourself making a $hit load of content but it doesn’t seem “to land?” 😭Are you posting a lot to your feed, showing up on […]

Content Strategy Tips