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Video Mini-Course

If you want to implement video into your marketing strategy, this mini DIY course is for you. 

Video generates more engagement than any other content type on Instagram.

66% of people said they’d prefer to watch a short video to learn about a product or service. 18% would rather read a text-based article, website, or post.

Attract and Inspire your audience by learning how to make and write videos as professionals do.

You can’t seem to move beyond trending sounds for TikTok and Instagram Reels.


You crave a push and some tough love for helping you get over that hump of not feeling confident.


You want to learn in short, digestible video lessons and have plug-and-play script templates.


You’d like a gear list that won’t cost an arm and a leg.


You want to know what key questions you should be asking yourself and your audience before you even hit the record button?


You want to see a video that did well and have it broken down into step-by-step instructions on how it was written and shot.


You are sick of spending lots of time on YouTube and Google but still don’t really understand HOW you put together a compelling video.


You have no idea where to start on developing a video strategy for your business. 


the video mini-course is perfect for you if:

Audience & content pillar exercises

Video broken down into steps for you to replicate.

Script templates & a “How I Made This” video

Gear List

Vetted freelance editor list at various price points

What's Included?

Video broken down into steps for you to replicate.

Script templates & a “How I Made This” video

Audience & content pillar exercises

Vetted freelance editor list at various price points

Gear list 

What's Included?

Kind words from alumni

No experience required! Whether you are a seasoned video storyteller or a complete rookie, this course has something for everyone. By the end of the seven short modules, you'll be able to pull from a tool belt of knowledge that will take your video creation from zero to hero.


Honestly, WHO IS confident on camera on their first try?! Answer: no one. This course gives you the boost of confidence you need to give you an overwhelming sense of "Yes! I CAN do this, I just need to start. By using the tools I learned in class, I feel like I CAN have a video presence I can be proud of and that I KNOW will positively effect my brand."

My confidence on camera is at an all time zero. Can this course help me?

Feel like you put in all of this effort and it never really turns out "right?" My guess is you're skipping over some crucial foundation work. By taking a step back and looking at your brand's content pillars first, you're on the path to determining what "right" means for YOUR business and not trying to accomplish what "right" looks like through what other similar brands are doing. I'll give you a few easy tips on how you can do that. 

When I try to do video, it just never comes out "right." 

Don't know where to start? THIS is where you start. Just by signing up for this course, you're putting yourself on the track to succeed. Before you jump into video you need to have clarity on your social media messaging -because you need a social platform in order to consistently put out video. The beauty of this mini course is it's broken down into mini power lessons and will give you just enough tools to kick you into action mode. By showing an example of how I made a video, it's my hope to demystify the video-making process for anyone who feels overwhelmed. 

I just have no idea where to even start.

No. And the reason being is that you can go on YouTube and find millions of “How To Edit on xxxx”. The essence of this mini course is to help you uncover your unique message and to help you turn that into a compelling video script. YouTube cannot answer your unique value proposition in the marketplace and that really is the key to making amazing video. However, I do give editing tips and my recommendations for how to start.


All you need is a smartphone! This course will show you an on-brand, engaging 1-min video I shot using my phone and I will break it down line by line how I did it. I actually don't recommend buying any gear until you know you'll commit to creating video in a consistent way. 

I don't have any video equipment!

Got Questions?

join the video mini-course and learn how to create your own video content to grow your brand

ready to get started?