I currently live in Brooklyn with my three little boys and husband. What can I say, I’m the unofficial -but official - Queen in my house. I love weird combinations of food (more on that later), going out (MOMS CAN DANCE TOO), and seeing the "A-HA" look on a founder's face when they unleash the story that has been buried in them and their business for way too long.
In My World
One of the best things about living in NYC for 13 years is that EVERYONE wanted to visit. Family, hometown friends, college friends, living in London friends, Instagram friends.
A revolving door.
And guess what. I inadvertently moved to a country that ALSO is a revolving door.
This past week I had a few college friends pass through Lisbon on their family vacations.
And speaking of friends…making NEW friends as an adult is WILD.
Add in making new friends in a new country whom you often don’t even share a cultural background with or mutual friends in common -even wilder.
But I continue to show up and put myself out there.
And whenever I am invited to a party (photo above and below), a dinner or a playdate…it just feels a bit more sweeter as the road has not been easy.1
Let this email be your sign to also show up and put yourself out there. Even if the road is and feels hard.
Your Storytelling Audit
Melissa Panszi Reibe submitted the ABOUT page from her website.
She is a social worker-turned- NYC-based jewelry designer.
Let me give you a few screen grabs if you’re not going to click on the page.
The good:
Don’t be afraid to put your worthy causes front and center to your business -even if they repel some people.
The could be better:
Assume that if someone is reading your ABOUT and it’s resonating, it’s a great opportunity if you are a maker -like Melissa- to showcase some of your best pieces or show a few visuals of you working and creating the product.
Do you want something analyzed by me in your business?
Why This Works
My No.1 makeup artist NYC friend Brittney sent me this message the other day. She shares an agent with Rokael who happens to be Beyonce’s makeup artist.
This is Beyonce’s makeup artist. Like Melissa’s industry above. There are a HELL of a LOTTA makeup artists.
But if you want to stand out in a crowded industry, do you know what you do?
You tell us your founder’s story. And not just the surface story of “I like to create, make, experiment, blah blah.”
But the HARD story.
The soul-piercing story.
In order to understand what you do, we must understand where you came from.
Remember what you do most likely isn’t that unique. But you are. And that’s the energy your people want to see.
And by the way, I will be opening up my Founder’s Fire applications soon if you want in on the Fall cohort.
Waitlist sign-up is below to my most high-touch, intimate cohort of unraveling the biggest story of your life and then my team putting it to video.
Real Resources
So this is a bit of a cheat, because I mentioned Kar last week but seriously, if you want to start taking your Instagram seriously, you need to get in on her program…NOW.
Because she only opens up the doors to her Social Department a few times a year.
If you are a coach or a service provider and you want to make some sales in the next 90 days, joining her program is a MUST.
She’s helped over 150 coaches and service providers grow an engaged following, unlock sales with small audiences and create sustainable content strategies… you can join only this week so get in now and get access to some additional bonuses she is offering.
Inspire That Founder’s Fire
Research by Edelman found that 64% of consumers make purchases based on shared values, underscoring the significance of weaving brand values into storytelling.
Evidence-backed proof that showing up as WHO you are is actually good for your bank account!
Ok, that’s all I got for this week.
I’m working on a kick-ass Summer Slump social storytelling challenge for my Business Storyprenuer Society and trying to wrap my brain around that basically all of June in Lisbon is just ONE GIANT PARTY.
For real, my work life is not in alignment with my new Lisbon party life.