If someone came up to you and asked you why you do what you do….do you know what you’d say? (without you word vomiting and without the person getting that GLAZED look which is Universal Human Sign for STFU!!) So do you? Rachael didn’t. Meet  Rachael who just wrapped my Founder’s Fire cohort (check out […]

I’m at it Again

Writing about yourself is hard. Showing up on camera and talking about yourself -that isn’t one giant snore fest- is even harder. In order to stand out from the approximately 897,675 other people doing the exact same thing as you, you will want to get comfortable with sharing key parts of your back story that […]

How to Make a Killer About Me Video

Hooks are the beginning of every amazing story. And the hype is true.  Write a hook that connects and it’s the reason your audience will continue watching your video (or reading your pitch, email, newsletter.) Write one that doesn’t hit home and that video or newsletter you spent HOURS, OK…DAYS making will be for you […]

5 Hooks to Keep Your Audience Wanting More