I currently live in Brooklyn with my three little boys and husband. What can I say, I’m the unofficial -but official - Queen in my house. I love weird combinations of food (more on that later), going out (MOMS CAN DANCE TOO), and seeing the "A-HA" look on a founder's face when they unleash the story that has been buried in them and their business for way too long.
I’d like to get a show of hands. (AND OF COURSE I CAN SEE YOU DOING THIS.)
Who here uses AI on a regular basis for their business? (Hand up? No?)
And who is like “F all the way off robots BYE.”
*****full disclosure the latter was fully me at the top of 2023 see story below.
Hated it.
Resisted it.
True story → at the top of 2023 when I was getting depressed that my storytelling students were turning in ChatGPT scripts and it lacked real emotion and their unique “humanness”.
I said to myself, “I have no choice but to learn how to use this for my business as my students are using it anyway…and they’re not using it well.”
Cue: I got this random IG ad from a woman I’ve never heard of who was running a free AI Summit.
I NEVER act on IG ads for services. (Also why do you have to listen to my inner brain Instagram.)
But it felt like a sign.
The Summit changed my business. (Not even being dramatic)
It gave me the inspiration to run an AI workshop (literally unfathomable before this AI summit I joined) that upcoming fall and it remains to this day my most popular one-off storytelling workshop.
And as a solopreneur who creates 99.9% of all my marketing content (newsletter, video writing, Linkedin, sales page writing, Instagram, evergreen email funnels) it has only been in the past year that I am actually able to do ALL of this. (Again, thank you AI summit.)
In the past I would hire out my sales pages (took forever and $$) and I was only on one social media platform as I couldn’t handle anything more on my plate.
But not anymore.
AI has saved me COUNTLESS hours.
And I view her as my genius sidekick.
(Full disclosure: I use AI for ALL of my video storytelling, including a recent Instagram feed story that garnered almost 900 new followers in the past 2.5 weeks.)
More entrepreneurs are creating high-quality content faster than ever, without the need for big teams.
AI isn’t a luxury for the early adopters. It’s the new essential for all of us in the digital space.
The woman who hosted this free AI summit was Gemma (I am now a student in ALL of her programs and at the altar of her..ha!) and because life is WEIRD like that…she’s running another one this year and asked ME to be a speaker.
It’s free.
But if you want to have lifetime access to all the speaker and presentation recordings (which is what I did last year and STILL go back for reference) you can get a special price through me of $67.
This is an early bird rate and will go up to $97 when the event starts on July 22.
This is a no-brainer.
And I can’t wait for this one because I don’t know half the stuff that is on the agenda.