Writing about yourself is hard. Showing up on camera and talking about yourself -that isn’t one giant snore fest- is even harder. In order to stand out from the approximately 897,675 other people doing the exact same thing as you, you will want to get comfortable with sharing key parts of your back story that […]

How to Make a Killer About Me Video

I am about 90 percent sure we will be moving from Brooklyn to Lisbon next summer. It’s a move that has been percolating in our brain for the past year and certain events in our lives, increased comments from my kids about hating gun drills at school & a hard ask to ourselves about the […]

Should I Uproot My Family to Europe?

Hooks are the beginning of every amazing story. And the hype is true.  Write a hook that connects and it’s the reason your audience will continue watching your video (or reading your pitch, email, newsletter.) Write one that doesn’t hit home and that video or newsletter you spent HOURS, OK…DAYS making will be for you […]

5 Hooks to Keep Your Audience Wanting More

Dropping my go-to secrets for making consistent content that RESONATES with my audience. It’s a funny story why I am doing this so make sure you read TO.THE.END. 👀Do you find yourself making a $hit load of content but it doesn’t seem “to land?” 😭Are you posting a lot to your feed, showing up on […]

Content Strategy Tips

Why does everyone else seem to be an overnight success compared to me?⁣ Do you ever ask yourself that? Guilty. Take Rachel Hollis. She’s a motivational speaker, author, blogger, powerhouse conference host and Netflix star. When her Netflix show ‘Made for More” debuted last year a lot of people in my circles were like “HUH? […]

Does it Sometimes Feel Everyone is an Overnight Success but You?

I outsourced my 4-year-old to “front yard camp” for the next few weeks while I was living in Chicago 💃🔥✨… so it was a great Monday indeed. I nearly cried tears of joy while also wanting to make out with the camp counselor upon drop off.  But I digress on why I’m writing… “Patrice, what […]

The One Video You Need for Your Business

I want to give you a tip about how to make your videos connect better to your target audience. Make. It. About. Them. Videos that include the word “you” in the first 30 seconds see 68% more engagement than videos that don’t. Say “you” twice in the first 5 seconds & that number jumps to […]

Make it about your audience

One of the biggest reasons people don’t use video to promote their business or side hustle is because they are scared.  💎Scared of what to say.⁣ 💎Nervous they have nothing useful TO say.⁣ 💎Self-conscious of how they look. How they sound. ⁣ 💎Overwhelmed by the tech part of video creation. ⁣ 💎Unsure what aspects of […]

Even Oprah Was Scared at One Point in Time

Woman adjusting cameral mounted on ring light

Anyone else have trouble celebrating the good things in your business? Do you feel like the ball could drop at ANY MOMENT so it’s easier to remain calm, collected, NON-EMOTIONAL and to just keep focus on the NEXT goal.  I’ve been in business for a bit over four years and I swear to God it […]

How I Landed My 1st Big Piece of Press