I currently live in Brooklyn with my three little boys and husband. What can I say, I’m the unofficial -but official - Queen in my house. I love weird combinations of food (more on that later), going out (MOMS CAN DANCE TOO), and seeing the "A-HA" look on a founder's face when they unleash the story that has been buried in them and their business for way too long.
We’re going to talk about launching today.
I have been launching in my business pretty much straight since April 2020. (when covid shut down my brand video production & I had to get myself online if I wanted to make money.)
This is a screenshot of my Instagram (8000 followers ago) during peak Covid when I was trying lots of new things (for me) to see how I could teach storytelling and build an audience.
What do I mean by launching?
In my case, as a service-based provider I launch (all live up until recently) bootcamps, workshops, group programs, 1:1 sessions and now digital products.
I’m exhausted writing that list.
I’ve had some really successful launches.
I’ve had some launches that have bombed.
Here is a quick tips list for anyone considering selling your knowledge online:
1. Start Scared & Start Small
You will have no idea what you are doing in the beginning. Literally no idea.
The first free training class I did in my Brooklyn apartment and I rehearsed a million times the night before with my husband.
I was so nervous the next day I was late to my own class because I was dry heaving in the toilet.
True story.
And this was a FREE TRAINING.
If you are not nervous to put yourself out there, then I need your tips because to this day (1079 students later) I still get nervous to teach.
And you will be starting small.
In 2020 when I ran my first free class I had JUST made my private, personal account “public” and now about “storytelling & video”.
98% of those people were not my target, but you have to start somewhere.
2. Start With the Skill You Have Now
At the time I was making videos for brands.
So I didn’t reinvent the wheel.
My first free training was about “Video Storytelling.”
Teach something for free off the bat that you know you are good at NOW.
3. Get On Video To Promote Yourself
My first year of launching anything I made almost $25,000. I felt like a millionaire.
This wasn’t paying NYC rent….BUT it showed me possibility.
There is not a chance in hell I would have been able to do that if not for showing up on my Instagram on video every day. Especially if you are just starting.
Building your authority on video is your quickest way to build an audience.
Start teaching.
4. Use Your Own Story as a Teaching Tool
Incorporate your personal journey and experiences into your teaching. I build in public to this day.
I was very open about “THIS IS MY FIRST TIME LAUNCHING ANYTHING!!” BUT I made sure to “remind” people how I made video at the TODAY show, was working with LEGO, etc.
This made me more relatable to my SMALL audience (under 3000 when I started doing this) and allowed my teaching to be woven into personal storytelling which made me more memorable.
5. Don’t “Figure This Out By Yourself”
You don’t need to go at this alone anymore.
Wasting hours researching and even reading newsletters like this one is not necessary anymore! (OK I kid you NEED my newsletters:)
When I was launching and very green, I didn’t know of any “launch hubs” where I could get insider tips and eavesdrop on conversations from other online entrepreneurs who were ahead of me.
But now there is.
Myself -along with other top marketers -recorded a series of intimate conversations where we answered this one simple question:
True story, I registered as a guest last year and learned what “a launch event” was.
So six months later I tried one.
And had my first ever six-figure launch for the 4th cohort of my Founder’s Fire -my signature storytelling program where you get a professionally edited video of your story by the end.
In this podcast I tell you HOW I did it and why I think it worked so well.
Here is a short roundup of some of the other topics involved:
Veronica Romney’s launch event converted at 70%+.
Kirsty Fanton pivoted mid-launch when things weren’t going as expected — and sold ALL 20 of her spots.
Patrice Poltzer (HI IT ME!) turned a $97 workshop into a $100k+ launch that was her easiest one yet!
David Garfinkel was able to do daily social media posts promoting his new book without burning out.
Masha Goins 3x her launch results without ads, growing her email list, or showing up consistently on social media.
Kary Perry increased her launch results without selling.
This is not an affiliate play for me.
This is truly me telling you to sign up because this is going to help your next launch.
Four years in, I still am learning how to launch as the landscape changes all the time.
Are you launching a product? I’d love to know what you are struggling with? I can address these questions in a future newsletter.